1.moving first in one direction and then in the opposite direction many times
1.Once you get used to it, and to the particular person you're pairing with, you slip into a flow, switching back and forth naturally.
2.Edward, I've gone back and forth the last few days trying to decide whether or not I should even write this.
3.A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high, narrow net by means of a light, LONG. - handled racket.
4.We had this ability to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would flip back and forth.
5.In this pose, your stomach is almost touching his bent knee; use it for support and leverage as you rock back and forth, and up and down.
6.But the legal back-and-forth didn't appear to derail the discussions about splitting up Wachovia, said people familiar with the matter.
7.Documents can be worked on live, rather than emailing copies back and forth and trying to keep track of versions.
8.You know, do all the pianos in Redmond on Monday rather than going back and forth across 520 three times a day.
9.Users can finger-swipe back and forth across various articles from a single news source, or up and down through up to 20 news sources.
10.No, she was in a conversation with a group of people and talking back and forth. And. . . I'll let Governor Palin speak for herself.